Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV)
No. F. 11-3(2)/2019-NVS(Acad) 281-89
National Education Society for Tribal Students
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV)
No.F. 11-3(2)/2019-NVS(Acad)
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV)
JVN Circular 11-3 (2)/2017-NVS (Acad)
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
CBSE Circular Acad-60/2022
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
CBSE Circular CBSE/DIR(ACAD)/2020
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
CBSE Circular CBSE/DIR(ACAD)/2019
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
CBSE RO Chennai Circular Acad-50/2019
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
Kendriya Vidyalaya Circular: ll-Acad029/ 58/2023-Academic/C-21236/3600-3625
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
KV Circular 2022/11350/2022-23/KVS (HQ)/Acad/KAMP/
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
Kendriya Vidyalaya Circular 11029/2019/KVS(HQ)/Acad./Misc.Master/5764-5791

Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (RBSE)
Rajasthan Circular शिविरा/माध्य/माध्यमिक/CCRT/2017/
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (RBSE)
DEO Jhunjhunu Rajasthan शिविरा/माध्य/माध्यमिक/CCRT/2017/
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (RBSE)
DEO AJMER शिविरा/माध्य/माध्यमिक/सीसीआरटी/2017/
Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh (UP Board)
Uttar Pradesh Circular मा0शि0प0/शोध-11/
Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh (UP Board)
DIOS Prayagraj /बो0प0/10535-37
Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh (UP Board)
DIOS Lucknow /बो0प0/
Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh (UP Board)
DIOS Ghaziabad /परीक्षा/8560-64/2019-20
Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh (UP Board)
DIOS Kanpur /शि0स0/708-10/2019-20
Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh (UP Board)
DIOS Fatehpur /शि0स0/3327-32
Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh (UP Board)
DIOS Varanasi विविध/7409-15/2019-20
Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh (UP Board)
DIOS Etawah के0ए0एम0पी0/छात्रवृत्ति/8293-97/2019-20
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
NIOS circular NIS/DIR/letters/2019(16)
Disclaimer: Please be informed that the official website of KAMP has been shifted to www.kamp.org.in, and all email addresses mentioned in the circulars have been updated from @kamp.res.in to @kamp.org.in. For any communication or queries related to KAMP, we kindly ask you to use the contact details provided at https://www.kamp.org.in/contact-us .