Media Gallery

Award Felicitation Ceremonies

Gudha International School Award Felicitation Ceremonies held on 3rd April 2024

Prince Education Hub Award Felicitation Ceremonies held on 6th Mar 2024

CPD Program for Teachers

15th CPD Program on CSIR - CMERI Laboratory held on 25th July 2024

14th CPD Program on CSIR - NCL Laboratory held on 3rd July 2024

9th to 13th CPD Program on CSIR - CLRI Laboratory held on 24th to 28th June 2024

8th CPD Program on CSIR - CSIO Laboratory held on 6th June 2024

7th CPD Program on CSIR - AMPRI Laboratory held on 30th April 2024

6th CPD Program on CSIR - IHBT Laboratory held on 21st March 2024


5th online CPD Program on CSIR - NML held on 27th Feb 2024

4th CPD Program on CSIR - IICT Laboratory held on 16th Feb 2024

Scientific Excursions

Visit to CSIR – Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI) on 26th July 2024

Visit to CSIR – Advanced Materials And Process Research Institute (AMPRI) on 29th April 2024

Visit to CSIR - Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (IHBT) on 15th March 2024

Visit to CSIR - Indian Institute Of Chemical Technology (IICT) on 15th February 2024

Visit to CSIR - Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI) on 17th January 2024

AI & Robotic Lab

Gudha International School AI & Robotic Lab inauguration on 3rd April 2024

KAMP - AI Robotic Session
on 19th April 2024

Prince Education Hub AI & Robotic Lab inauguration on 6th Mar 2024